Tuesday, May 1, 2018

A blessed Beltane from Cemil

Happy Beltane and welcome May.

Today as many of you is a blessed day at the Wiccan Haus and there are tons of festivities going on around the island. A list of events should be in your welcome folders in your rooms.

Just a few reminders

Sage would like to remind all residents, staff, and guest, that primrose has been supplied and left in your rooms please place it along doorways and windowsills today as Fairies who are ever into mischief should be kept out of your living areas on this day.

The Maypole has been erected in the center of the island. Dancing will begin after breakfast and continue throughout the day. Sage, Trixie and I will be on hand to teach and join in the dance. We would love to see everyone there. Cyrus and Rekkus that includes you. Lunch will be servers at the maypole as well as in the Haus this afternoon.

The orchard is off limits as a private wedding is planned there this afternoon. 

A Beltane Fire will be lit this evening on the beach near where Trixie teaches deep breathing classes. Come out to enjoy the festivities the fire will be lit at sundown and will burn through the night.

Dinner like you have never tasted will be served under the stars tonight come out and see what the culinary staff has created using the items given to us from the island itself. Dairy, honey, raspberries, strawberries, Round barley breads, apples and sweets like you have never tastes will all be laid out. This is my favorite feast of the year. Tables and chairs will be set up just out side the Haus this evening.

One last thing Sarka has just reminded me that today is the most fertile of days, so for those of you coming here  for that reason we wish you the best. For those of you who children are not on the calendar please use precautions.

The main office is closed today should you need anything please just ask a staff member to assist you.

Have a Blessed day
