The Rowan Siblings

Sarka (the eldest)
 Sarka Rowan is the Alchemist. She creates potions and practices transmutation.  Her skill with transmutation is unparalleled in the paranormal world. Although her gift is most effective with a para, she has been known to assist the rare human.  She refuses to make a love potion or to bring back someone from the dead. Neither ever works out well.

Cyrus (the second eldest)
             Cyrus Rowan is the Retrocog - when he touches an item, he is able to see the past of the current owner and in some cases past owners. Very handy when they find an item and do not know who it belongs to. He is uncomfortable with his gift and rarely uses it. He wears gloves so he isn’t overwhelmed with information from items he touches.

        Cemil (the middle child)
             Cemil Rowan is the Empath – although he can sense a person’s feelings from a great distance (even through the telephone when taking reservations), his true powers  come when he can physically hold the hands of the person he is trying to heal. Cemil is more.

Sage (the youngest)
             Sage Rowan is the Herbalist. She has the ability to know just what materials (herbs, spices and flowers) are needed to help a client—human or para—heal. She creates the shakes, food, candles, and soaps required for each individual client’s needs during their stay on the island.