Thursday, February 23, 2012

Myron Welcomes you to the Wiccan Haus

The Heart of the Matter

By Myron

This time of year, we at the Wiccan Haus get a lot of questions about love potions and spells. And while it’s never a good idea to cast a spell on another person – you should always respect free will and the law of nature says that whatever you do comes back to you – there’s nothing that says you can’t…help things along a little.

Did you know that the Romany (or, as some people call them, Gypsies) view the apple as the symbol of the heart? Apples are associated with both the planet and goddess Venus, the goddess of love. If you slice an apple in half crosswise, you’ll find the five-pointed star Wiccans call the pentacle, representing earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It is a positive, life-affirming symbol of balance, and a perfect way to bring love into your life. It's even said that people with partners can add to loving feelings to the relationship by cutting an apple in half and sharing it with their lover.

Some other loving apple tricks:

·         Scott Cunningham, in his book The Magic in Food: Legends, Lore & Spells (Llewellyn Publications, 1992) suggests to bring true love into your life by carving a heart into the skin of the apple before eating.

·         Drink apple cider and bake (and eat) an apple pie. While making the pie, visualize an enjoyable time with an ideal mate. Cut steam vents in the top of a two-crusted pie in the shape of a heart.

·         On Halloween night at midnight, peel an apple in a single strip and throw the peel over your left shoulder or into a basin of water. The peel will form the first initial of your future love.

If none of these tricks work for you, come and see me at the Front Desk. We’ll check your numbers and see what love and the Fates have in store for you at the Wiccan Haus.


If you would like to see Myron at work and would like to win an e-copy of the Wiccan Haus book One: Shifting Hearts, Just leave us a comment, Follow us here, and like the Musa Publishing Page on Facebook.

by Dominique Eastwick

Sometimes it takes losing everything to find the one thing you need.

The last of his kind…

Rekkus is the last of the great Black Tiger weres and he is happy to stay that way. Working as security for the Wiccan Haus, a magical spa for inner healing, he has enough danger – and women – to keep him busy. Unfortunately, the Fates are not content with him being comfortable.

Alone and discouraged…

Dana has walked away from all she has known, her fiancé, family, apartment, and job. Now, having a ticket to the Wiccan Haus may be the only way she can move on. But what she finds isn’t what she expects, nor is it what she thought she was looking for.

Meet the unusual residents of the Wiccan Haus. The staff can get a little hairy and not all of the guests eat what’s served in the dining hall. But the proprietors always do what they can to make the resort into a place of healing and peace, using all of their years of practice. At the Haus, where humans and Paras reside side-by-side, everyone in need of the Rowan siblings’ services are welcome.



Rekkus paced in the shallow water. He ran his hand through his hair in a show of frustration. Just as her nerves didn’t think they could take anymore, he said, “Why are you here?”

“Myron told me to come here.”

He stopped pacing glared in the direction of where Myron would be then began to pace again. “Damn her. I spent all day avoiding you and she sends you right to me. You need to leave now.”


“It’s not safe for you here with me. I left you alone last night; if you stay I am not sure I can honor that request a second time.”

“I felt it too,” she blurted out, unable to keep it to herself any longer.

He moved so fast she never saw him actually take a step. All of a sudden she was wrapped in his wet arms, her breast pressed against his chest, making her now damp shirt cling to her body. His eyes searched hers. He must have seen what he was looking for, the desire she felt. Before she could form another thought, his lips were on hers in a feverous need. Demanding she open for him, and no part of her thought for a second to deny him anything. Butterflies churned in her stomach making her shake. She had never felt this; this fire that threatened to engulf her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his wet hair and deepened the kiss. His moan was all she needed to gather the nerve and strength to push him forward. She knew what he wanted. Knew what he most desired, because she wanted it to. She wanted him, all of him, every naked inch, right here, next to this lake not a ten minute walk from the Haus. Anyone could stumble across them and she didn’t care. It almost added to the allure of everything. What she needed it to be.

Something more than she ever knew she needed. He was pushing her past her comfort zone forcing her to accept there was a sexy seductress screaming to be let out.

Coming Soon Book 2 A Man Worth Fighting For
by Sara Daniel

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Deep Breaths with Trixie

Deep Breathing for Humans and Paras 
Hi, I’m Trixie.  You’ve probably seen me walking around the island.  I’m the tall woman with long silver hair.  Some people call me ethereal, and that’s probably because when one is so aware of their breathing pattern and are truly breathing deeply, it can transfer you to an otherworldly state.  I’m going to help you get there.  The best plan is to make your reservation for a week at the Wiccan Haus and spend part of each day in my deep breathing classes.

If you can’t make it to the Wiccan Haus, then checking in here is the next best thing.  I’ll be dropping by every so often to give you tips.  To start off, here’s what you need to know.  Deep breathing is for everyone, Humans and Paras alike.

Dear Humans, don’t worry about what a Para is.  They are nothing you need to concern yourself with.  This is what does concern you:  To physically and spiritually heal and stay healthy in mind and spirit, you must breathe properly.  If you’re stressed, you’re never going to relax until you get your breathing settled down.  To really understand who you are and all that you are meant to be, you have to learn to breathe first.

Paras, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.  You need to breathe deeply for the same reasons the humans do, but it’s even more critical for you.  You have powers you need to nurture.  How can you keep your powers strong if the rest of you is not?

  • My darling vamps, of course, you need to feed, but you can’t just attack anyone.  Rekkus will be on you so fast you won’t know what hit you.  Mastering deep breathing is critical to keeping your appetites in check.  And this goes for you lamias too.

  • Weres, you need to breathe deeply to control your shift.  Telly, boy, I’m talking to you.  I haven’t seen you in class nearly enough, and it shows.  You are out of control.  And until you start breathing properly, Rekkus is going to keep beating your ass.

  • Psychics, you know what I’m going to say, right?  Breathing is so important for you to keep your mind open to see clearly.  If you’re not in touch with yourself, how can you see for others?

That’s all for now.  Just remember to take a few minutes each day to simply breathe deeply.  It will make a difference in your entire life.  Next time I’ll work with you on the specifics of how to achieve this

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Book Recommendations from the Staff of WH

February 16-19th 2012

Welcome to the Wiccan Haus Blog Stop. Here we will give you the book recommendations from those at the Wiccan Haus. As you can imagine their recommendations lean towards the Paranormal imprint of Thalia.

Sarka Rowan (co owner of the Wiccan Haus) likes her books dark. Her picks are The Inheritance by R.S. Ramdial, The Red Girl by Luke Walker and any book that has Vampire Killing is a good book for her The Disciple by Jemma Chase tops her list.

Cyrus Rowan(co owner of the Wiccan Haus) likes his books with Serial Killers and Murders. He recommends Maniac by Patrick Whittaker, Above Hadis Notch by Keith Pyeatt and The Thing Down the Road by T.L. Smith.

Sage Rowan (co owner of the Wiccan Haus) likes it all from dark women's lit to lite romance and recommends Annabel Horton The Lost Witch of Salem by Vera Jane Cook, She Walks the Shore by Lisa Greer and The Handsomest Prince By Cindi Meyers.

Cemil Rowan(co owner of the Wiccan Haus) likes his reading both spicy and intriguing, recommends Prodigal by A.M. Arthur, The Jackal Dreaming by J.A. Caselberg and Pygmalion Unbound by Sam Kepfield.

Rekkus (head of Security for the Wiccan Haus) likes short stories that he can read when he has a second of down time. Recommends Identity Thief by Milo James Fowler and the Penumbra eMag.

Dana Recommends House and Garden by Deb Victoroff and Shaala, Made of Stone by Marshiela Rochwell.

Myron Recommends Day Dreamer by Devin Hodgins and Goldie by KC Shaw.

Trixie recommends The Coffee House By Lauren Hunter When Josie Comes Home A.E. Stanton *Gini Koch*.

Huge list I know :)


Look through the list of books and tell us which staff member you most connect with reading style wise. 2 Lucky winners will win a copy of Shifting Hearts The Wiccan Haus Book 1 and A Wiccan Haus Medalian *Sorry US residents only for the Medalian, non us residents may choose the book of their choose from the staff member they related too*

Shifting Hearts

Sometimes it takes losing everything to find the one thing you need.

The last of his kind…

Rekkus is the last of the great Black Tiger weres and he is happy to stay that way. Working as security for the Wiccan Haus, a magical spa for inner healing, he has enough danger – and women – to keep him busy. Unfortunately, the Fates are not content with him being comfortable.

Alone and discouraged…

Dana has walked away from all she has known, her fiancé, family, apartment, and job. Now, having a ticket to the Wiccan Haus may be the only way she can move on. But what she finds isn’t what she expects, nor is it what she thought she was looking for.

Meet the unusual residents of the Wiccan Haus. The staff can get a little hairy and not all of the guests eat what’s served in the dining hall. But the proprietors always do what they can to make the resort into a place of healing and peace, using all of their years of practice. At the Haus, where humans and Paras reside side-by-side, everyone in need of the Rowan siblings’ services are welcome.


Thank you for hopping by and please keep hopping for more chances to win.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Myron’s Magical Advice for Lovers

The Heart of the Matter

This time of year, we at the Wiccan Haus get a lot of questions about love potions and spells. And while it’s never a good idea to cast a spell on another person – you should always respect free will and the law of nature says that whatever you do comes back to you – there’s nothing that says you can’t…help things along a little.

Did you know that the Romany (or, as some people call them, Gypsies) view the apple as the symbol of the heart? Apples are associated with both the planet and goddess Venus, the goddess of love. If you slice an apple in half crosswise, you’ll find the five-pointed star Wiccans call the pentacle, representing earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It is a positive, life-affirming symbol of balance, and a perfect way to bring love into your life. It's even said that people with partners can add to loving feelings to the relationship by cutting an apple in half and sharing it with their lover.

Some other loving apple tricks:

·         Scott Cunningham, in his book The Magic in Food: Legends, Lore & Spells (Llewellyn Publications, 1992) suggests to bring true love into your life by carving a heart into the skin of the apple before eating.

·         Drink apple cider and bake (and eat) an apple pie. While making the pie, visualize an enjoyable time with an ideal mate. Cut steam vents in the top of a two-crusted pie in the shape of a heart.

·         On Halloween night at midnight, peel an apple in a single strip and throw the peel over your left shoulder or into a basin of water. The peel will form the first initial of your future love.

If none of these tricks work for you, come and see me at the Front Desk. We’ll check your numbers and see what love and the Fates have in store for you at the Wiccan Haus.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wiccan Haus Book Two Cover

I am loving the new cover to the new Wiccan Haus book. A Man Worth Fighting For due out in March. Check out the new cover :)